This lecture is on Advanced Echocardiography techniques presented beautifully by Guy Lloyd MD FRCP FESC - as part of British Cardiovascular Board Review lectures. He talked about the advanced techniques in routine echocardiography including the following:
00:29 Deformation & Strain Imaging
02:07 Speckle Tracking Imaging
02:55 GLS in Healthy Individual (Global Longitudinal Strain)
03:48 GLS in Disease
05:28 Does GLS predict the Future? Copenhagen Heart Study
06:12 How does GLS perform clinically?
06:58 Deformation Imaging Guidelines
08:02 3D & 4D Imaging
09:32 3D TOE (Trans-esophageal Echocardiogram)
11:17 Contrast Echocardiography
13:45 When to use contrast clinically?
14:30 Stress Echocardiography - Stress Testing in HCM
15:34 Current Indications of Stress Echo
16:21 Take Home Messages
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👉 Watch other educational videos here:
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✅ WATCH 🎥: Echo MOCK Exam Part 1: Thirty Echo Cases in 30 minutes
✅ WATCH 🎥: Echo MOCK Exam Part 2: Thirty Echo Cases in 30 minutes
✅ WATCH 🎥: ECHO Mock Exam Part 3
#Advancedechocardiography #Echo #Echocardiography #deformation #4d #3d #speckletracking #Contrastecho #stressecho #Echocardiogram #Boardreview
#cardiology #heart
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