A 37 year old male with dyspnea on exertion. Spot the findings on the basis of echocardiography clips shown, answer is given after thirty seconds with explanation of findings. Case 74 : FINDINGS & DIAGNOSIS: This Echocardiogram is showing all the classic features of hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM/HCM) including Asymmetric septal hypertrophy, moderate mitral valve regurgitation (posteriorly directed jet due to SAM), M Mode at mitral level is showing typical Systolic anterior motion of mitral leaflet (SAM), M Mode at Aortic valve showing Mid Systolic closure of AV causing a notch, LVEF is normal in this patient, Continous Wave (CW) Doppler through LVOT is showing an increased gradient of 73mmHg, which further increased to 203 mmHg during valsalva confirming that its a dynamic obstruction rather than fixed obstruction. Do you Know yamaguchi Syndrome? Its an apical Variant of HCM. To Watch Apical HCM Case Click Here: https://youtu.be/65e8L9pG5rg 👉 ...
Cardiology Notes: Clinical Cases including ECG, Echocardiography, Cath, and MOCK Exams to sharpen your cardiology data interpretation skills. Healthcare is stressful!!! Learning cardiology shouldn't be !!!